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Thursday, 4 April 2024
Congreskolom herdenkt het Nationaal Congres
Belgium her two states and revival of the Senate of 1831
The Belgian State was founded twice and therefore has two constitutions, namely that of 1831 and that of 1994. King Albert II was the last King who swore his oath to the first constitution of 1831. His son, King Philippe, swore his oath sworn to the new constitution of 1994, a Federal State separated from the Church. The Belgian State of 1831 was re-established in 2023 to protect the Kingdom.

Look at it as if there were two ships named Belgium. The first ship was built in 1831, of which King Albert II was the last captain. The second ship was built in 1994. In the same year of 1994, all passengers, namely the Belgians, were legally transferred to the new ship whose Captain later became King Philippe. The old ship called Belgium built in 1831 was taken out of service.

In 1994, the government published 'The Coordinated Constitution' in the Belgian Official Gazette, a mirror of the old constitution. It was approved in Parliament and Senate. The Belgians were in a sense robbed of their original ship of 1831 and all the privileges of ownership. In itself one could say what difference does it make, the two constitutions look the same. But that is incorrect, the dates, the names and the founders are different. When such steps are taken there is always a loser, and it is the Belgian people who lose far more than they can ever understand. The Belgians have come to live in a mirror, separated from the founders under the Catholic Church.

In 1830, independence was proclaimed by the Belgians, and so they came to be directly ruled under God. That is why King Leopold I, sworn his oath to the Belgians in front of God's house on Place Royale. His seat was on a dais atop the steps of the Sint-Jacob op Koudenberg church in Brussels, specially done to link God's house to his oath.

In 1958, the Federal State was established, and a step-by-step plan was implemented to separate the founders, the Catholic Church and the Catholic Belgians. You may ask why, the answer is to gain more control, take away freedom and earn more money. In short, more prosperity at the expense of the rights of Belgians.

The representatives, senators, the King and all civil servants, with or without knowing it, have violated their oath by approving the new constitution of 1994. An oath not only to the Belgians but also to God. Logically, of course, people swear allegiance to the Constitution of 1831 as their employer and then drop her for someone else.

For this reason, by God's powers, the Constitution of Belgium of 1831 was reactivated and restored in 2023. So Belgium has two States, the Belgian State of 1831 and the Federal Belgian State of 1994. It is accompanied by the reopening of the Senate of 1831 , acting within the lap of the Senate in the Palace of the Nation in Brussels with all its powers. The Senate is in Union with the Constitution of Belgium in the Belgian Official Gazette on February 7, 1831 under number 1831020701 page 888888. It is a legal parallel system to the current Senate of 1994. The powers of the Senate of 1831 have higher rank.

A special office with the name STEINRÄDER was therefore created in 2022, signed by the Belgian Senate and sitting in the lap of the Senate, Palace of the Nation in Brussels. It was created to protect the King, the Constitution of Belgium and the Belgian Kingdom.

The driving force is at Leipzig in Saxony, a shoot of the old tree of Frederick II of Saxony and Margaret of Austria by marriage at Leipzig. Heir by birthright, of the Houses of Ascania, Wettin and Habsburg, among others.

Difference between the King of Belgium and King of the Belgians.
After the independence of the Belgians in 1830, the Kingdom of Belgium was founded a year later with its seat in Brussels. Its King, Leopold I, took the oath on July 21, 1831 and received the title King of the Belgians. His signet ring did bear the crown of a prince under the Holy Roman Empire and not of a King.

The difference between King of Belgium and King of the Belgians is simple. The first is King of the land, and is the owner of the territory under God, and the second is King of the people, a Prince. It is like Rome and the army of Rome, or the owner of a company and the manager, in this case under the Holy Roman Empire. Therefore, from her point of view, the King of the Belgians is a prince and not a King.

In 1831 people knew such things all too well and that is why Leopold's kingship was presented with the royal crown, a crown with 3 visible arches in the crown instead of 5 as can be seen today on the coat of arms of Belgium. Online you can find King Leopold's signet ring with crown of a prince.

Every system has its own rules, and depending on which point of view you look at it, the picture changes. Under the Holy Roman Empire, King Philippe of Belgium is still a Prince and King Willem-Alexander of the House of Orange-Nassau is still the King of Belgium. The Belgians are free in that respect that the Dutch King and State cannot enter Belgian territory with their power.

But it is not the case that the Dutch King no longer has power over Belgium. All municipalities must submit their coats of arms for registration in the Netherlands. The Hague is still the headquarters of the Duchy of Brabant, the Palace of the Nation in Brussels is its second seat, comparable to a business unit.

Look at it this way, a large container was placed on the Belgian territory, and the Belgians went to live in that container. The Dutch King in Holland, as King of Belgium, cannot enter the container without an invitation. He is like a landlord who under duress, namely Belgian independence, has had to give up the usufruct of his land. But under God, as King of Belgium he still owns Belgium and therefore still bears responsibility and the Dutch State guarantees it.

The Norbertines, Averbode Abbey and the Ten Commandments
The Premonstratensians of Averbode Abbey in Belgium, with their seat in Averbode, violate the Ten Commandments and the Bible by serving several masters. They make this publicly known, the evidence of which can be found in the media. The Norbertine brothers, known as the Whites or Premonstratensians, thereby deceive not only the Pope, but also God.

The origin of the brotherhood of the Premonstratensians goes back to Saint Norbert, who founded the order under the protective hand of the Pope. This order uses canon law as its basis, and the friars wear white clothing just like the pope. And as every servant of God, one takes an oath not only to God but also to the Pope. In addition, they are bound by the laws of God and the Pope. This spiritual order can be compared to the clerk's office in a court of law, scholars in law and bound by laws one would expect.

But the Norbertine brothers commit several violations of the Ten Commandments, the Bible and even canon law. Evidence of this can be found in the media due to, among other things, the nitrogen crisis. If Averbode Abbey were actually under God and the Premonstratensians actually bind themselves to God, they would not be bound by the number of cows they are allowed to keep. Since the Bible does not imposes any restrictions on this, this is clear evidence that the brothers serve several masters.

If the Premonstratensians really dedicate their lives to God, then we can ask why Averbode Abbey was not put in the name of Jesus Christ by inclusion in the Will of Christ and written in this way at the Notary. The will of Christ is a recognized will of the estate of Jesus Christ trough the testament of Christ and on each will one can purchase real estate and land as trustees of the estate.

But we find instead that the Premonstratensians prefer to enrich other lords by entering all property and wealth in their book. So the brethren use God's name, reputation and works to feed another lord's treasury and enjoy the usufruct.

It's like stealing from the dead to make others rich while having a finger in the pie. If the common man steals something in the cemetery today and then sells it, he can be sure that sooner or later the police will take him by the collar and expect a punishment from the judge. After all, it's grave robbery.

In 2022, the brothers were officially notified with clear evidence of the violation of the Belgian Constitution. Since it is their task and duty to protect God's house, namely the Church, they indicated that the Belgians no longer possess constitutional rights and that the Pope and God no longer have anything to say.

It is clear that the Premonstratensians no longer protect the legacy of God and his name. They are responsible for protecting God's house, but they don't even do that anymore. Given that King Leopold took his oath on the steps of the church, Sint-Jacob on Coudenberg, the Belgians should not expect that the Norbertines will defend the Constitution and the Belgians their rights. If God and the Pope no longer bother the brothers, then the Belgians should not expect anything either.

The price of Electricity and Distribution
Electricity prices have risen enormously in recent years and can be felt by all households in Belgium. These prices consist of various parts, including the production price per kilowatt, the distribution price and all kinds of taxes. But do people have to pay that much? It makes sense if someone uses your land to earn money that you can also earn something from it! This applies to all companies no matter how big they are.

A long time ago, the nuclear power plants and the distribution of electricity were in the hands of the Belgian State. But they sell the goose with the golden eggs. Typically Belgian, the government wants to free up money for other things and pushes the bill into the shoes of later generations

But fortunately the government was closer to the people than today and not so much one-sidedly for the companies. Therefore, the contracts governing the sale and transfer included clauses for the total cost of electricity including distribution for the Belgian people. The electricity price in its entirety, including distribution, had to be known before the beginning of the year and the price had to take into account the general interest of the Belgian people. Now, that second one is key and also very logical. Since electricity is transported above ground with power lines as well as underground, both transports must use private property under the Kingdom of Belgium. In other words, electricity transmission uses private property of Belgian farmers and other landowners. It is logical that these landowners are compensated, only in this way can these energy companies earn money.

Many people forget that a public road, also remains private property that is never recorded in a deed at the notary. Public roads are seen a bit like a moat, the public part is the water and the private part is the bottom of the moat. On the land registry plan that you receive when you buy a house or land, you can see that in most cases the plot extends to the middle of the public road. Expropriation by the government for a new road, for example, never goes through the notary, but is regulated by law. There are exceptions when, for example, a private company tries to buy up the land, because they know how the system really works and can earn money from it.

Given that the then government thought it impossible to compensate every private owner in detail for the use of his land, it was decided that all Belgians could reap the benefits of this. By providing fair electricity prices for the people. Politicians then knew the law very well and respected the rights of the people much more than they do today.

But we can imagine that these contracts are pushed into oblivion by new governments at the change of the guard. The agreed contracts of the previous governments are then usually, let us say, forgotten. However, the government officials are the ones who must ensure that the contracts are complied. You can imagine how that goes, the electricity companies and distribution companies rubbing their hands. The officials are either bribed, use their umbrellas and know nothing or are sidelined. Those companies will certainly not say such things to the new government or the people, they have every interest in the fact that prices can go up. If the Belgian government is no longer able to manage their own contracts, that is good news for the cash register of the energy companies.

Since these old contracts are still legally valid today, even if the current government no longer knows they exist. They can still be legally enforced on the companies and this retroactively. In other words, going back in time. Perhaps one could even start a criminal investigation if there is a suspicion of deliberate manipulation by the companies.

According to the law, theft is still a criminal offense in whatever form it occurs. Charging too high prices when it was contractually agreed otherwise is theft in itself. If large utilities would be guilty of this, it cannot be ignored. A bank robber can't tell the police that he made a mistake when he's caught, don't think he can walk away afterwards as if nothing had happened. If the leaders and board of directors of the energy companies would say that a mistake has been made, then the outcome must be the same as with the bank robber. Otherwise one would be in conflict with the constitution. Theft of the people can never be treated otherwise than theft of a bank.

Apparently the government has become too lax in their policies and companies have become more important than the people.